Wellness Lab: Coping with stress and uncertaintyDelivered OnlineOnline workshopThu, Feb 13, 10:00 AM GMT 5.0(2)£10
Giving colleagues constructive feedbackDelivered OnlineOnline workshopThu, Mar 6, 10:00 AM GMT 5.0(3)£10
Wellness Lab: Setting workplace boundaries to improve your wellbeingDelivered OnlineOnline workshopThu, Mar 13, 10:00 AM GMT 5.0(2)£10
Helping people speak up and engage in meetingsDelivered OnlineOnline workshopTue, Apr 1, 10:00 AM GMT+1 5.0(3)£10
Wellness Lab: Supporting colleagues who experience anxietyDelivered OnlineOnline workshopThu, Apr 10, 10:00 AM GMT+1 5.0(2)£10